Friday, May 28, 2010

Freezer Treats!

Hello one & all...spent the afternoon at a friends house. Had a nice lunch and a chat while the children played. They were so quiet and content that I admit (shamefacedly!) that I was mildly surprised to see my 7 yo boy washing hands for lunch...seems I actually forgot he was there! (I know, I know...not something one generally admits but it is kind of funny and quite the compliment to his fine, fine behavior!) Came home and, after refereeing the two older ones (seemed they used up all their goodness at the friend's house), I made freezer treats. Use whatever you littles seem to like yogurt combinations the best. Large tubs of yogurt from Aldi or Walmart (a couple generous spoonfuls), frozen fruit of your choice and enough juice to make the blender blades spin. Viola! Figured ours out to 16 cents each. Full serving of fruit, calcium and NO preservatives.

Make & enjoy! Blessings, Eve

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