Saturday, October 31, 2009

Menu planning

Hello one & all...purchased a few Christmas and birthday items this week so it was more important than ever to menu plan frugally. I surveyed the pantry and freezer and managed to plan 7 meals on very little shopping. Our menu is as follows:

~Tacos on homemade tortillas
~My Mother-in-law is hosting a dinner after trick-or-treating...I am taking a big bowl of homemade applesauce.
~Pulled venison roast on rolls, potato salad and green beans
~Pasta and Broccoli with garlic bread (made from bread ends)
~Venison mustard steaks with mashed potatoes and carrots
~homemade pizza
~cheesy rice with turkey (turkey leftover and frozen from last week), 90 minute rolls
~cabbage rolls with mashed po's and corn (rolls frozen, pre-prepped)
Can you tell that I just bartered brown eggs for 40 # of potatoes?? (9 dozen eggs for 40# of potatoes and 30# of carrots! What a rush!) Also using up the last of the venison to make way for the new...

Cheesy Rice and Tomatoes

3 cups cooked rice (brown or white)
3 TBSP oil
1 medium onion, chopped
3 stalks celery, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
2 cups cooked tomatoes or stewed (1 qrt or 2 cans)
2 cups cheese, shredded
1-2 cups cooked, chopped turkey, chicken or roast
1 tsp salt (I use a bit more, to taste)
dash pepper

Saute rice in pan with oil, onion, celery and green pepper. (If using stewed, all the veggies may already be in there...check the label if store bought) Add tomatoes, rice, cheese, salt and pepper. Add chopped, cooked meat if using. Sprinkle with cheese;; cover and simmer till melted. 8 Servings

Make and enjoy! Blessings, Eve

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