Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some Ideas

Hello one & all...just a mish-mash of money saving thoughts. (Gonna let you see just how cheap I can REALLY be!!!)

-Save a bag or two from onions...tie them into knots and use them in place of those plastic scrubbies. If it gets nasty on the first use, you won't feel badly throwing it out!
-Soap is soap...I use the little samples of hotel shampoo that everyone wants to give away (cuz' they take them and then don't bother to use them!) in my liquid handsoap dispensers. Watered down body wash also works great and smells just wonderful...
-Bread closers (the plastic, square ones) work great to scrape baked on pans.
-Save bread crusts in a bag in the freezer...when you have enough dip like french toast and serve with pancake syrup.
-Old Pantyhose, cut into strips, work beautifully to tie up vegetable and perennial plants...it will be spring before you know it!
-Save bar soap ends and put in the toe of a lonely knee high stocking. Tie the open end around a faucet handle and you have homemeade soap on a rope!
-Baby shampoo is super cheap at dollar/ discount stores and can be used for adults if you do not use hairspray. Also works great in those handsoap pumps!

Just some frugal thoughts! Blessings, Eve

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