Friday, September 18, 2009

Busy Little Bee

Hello one & all...had quite the busy day today. Spent the day running errands and ended up at the farmer's market. Found a great deal on peaches...$5 for a half buschel of seconds. Turned out they were the sweetest peaches I have ever tasted. (The wee one thought so too...ate 4 of them today!) Needed to can them up right away as they were very ripe and soft. Never did peaches before but they were pretty easy as compared to other things I've canned. End result: 13 quarts of peaches to add to the larder and a very happy 20 month old...
Having a yard sale tomorrow at my SIL's...already found myself some bargains during set up time. Couple of new looking Pyrex bread pans to replace the cruddy metal one's I currently use when I have more than 2 of anything to bake. New with tags bath rugs...beautiful and thick. A dell printer as mine pooped out earlier this week. Bike helmet for my growing boy and a mix master standing mixer with attachments...Grand total...drum roll please...$20 plus replacing a zipper in exchange for the mixer. What a high!!!!!
Baked up some Zucchini Apple bread and prepared some shiny tomatoes and jams and relishes for my oldest to have a little stand. She will also be selling our excess eggs. Have a mystery trip coming up with Girl Scouts and the hubby and I thought that she should at least earn her own spending money. Life lessons...
Bread is out of the oven and the last of the peaches are cooling above the and my aching feet are off to bed! Blessings, Eve

1 comment:

MichelleK said...

girl - I do not even know what to think... you are one amazing woman! I gotta stop by and see the canning you have done - I am learning so much from you - Thank you!!