Friday, September 18, 2009

A Few Tiny Tips

Hello one & all...just a few quick thoughts this MIL called me with this idea earlier in the week. If you have an excess of cherry tomatoes (now that the kids are sick of them!) and need a use for them beyond the salads- throw them in the blender or food processor and turn them into sauce. The skins are so tender that they just disappear. She has had great success with this and even preserved some. (Cannot remember if she froze or canned the extras...both would work.)
Tip #2- If you have a picky-pants that won't eat their crust (Yup, I've got one!) cut it off BEFORE you give them the sandwich. Freeze the crusts in a Ziploc or container that you keep in the freezer for that purpose. When you have enough o make it worth your while, turn them into french toast. We call them peanut butter dippers and the same kid who won't touch them on his PB&J begs for me to make them for breakfast! Eatin' 'em as we speak!!!
It's the little things that add up to big savings...rinse your Ziplocs. Not the one's from raw meat but the rest can be used at least a few times each. Better yet, use containers for snacks and sandwiches. They sell vitamin waters at my daughters school for $1 in the vending machine...they can barely keep them in stock...YIKES! We went to Wallyworld and bought dye-free vitamin drink sticks in grape and kiwi-watermelon. She takes a drink stick every day and her straw thermos full of water...15 cents. 85 cents per day savings times 20 days per month...that's $17 per month...I can think of a lot of things to spend $17 on. And they ain't water...Blessings, Eve

1 comment:

MichelleK said...

how appropriate - I just wondered what to do with the extra cherry tomatoes last night... I was thinking I could add them in whole - thanks for the tips!!